Products & Services>Business case
Marriott Hotels
ZETA enabled risk-free hotel
JW Marriot Shanghai Changfeng park is a luxury hotel of Marriot International located in the Changfeng Ecological Commercial District in west Shanghai. The 33-storey hotel offers 501 guestrooms, six world-class restaurants. As most hotel chains in the industry, the hotel is facing increasing challenges on growing labour cost, low efficiency in facility management solutions and inadequate preventive maintenance tools. To keep fuelling bookings and growth, JW Marriot Shanghai Changfeng Park uses ZiFiSense ZETA for cost-effective hotel management solution and better business performance. 80% of workload for routine maintenance inspection is saved. We have helped the hotel to archived 40% overall cost saving since the start of the project.
JLL Baoland Plaza
Smart building + Preventive Maintenance with ZETA = Cost saving + Worry free
Baoland Plaza, managed by JLL, is an office complex composed of two 26-storey buildings completed in 2012. The total building area is 156,000 square meters. Each of the buildings has a large number of property facilities and equipment with extremely high demand on maintenance and management staff and cost. ZiFiSense’s ZETA AIoT facility management solution offered JLL with a cost-effective tool to monitor over a thousand property locations in real time. The solution reduced the fault detection cycle from 6 hours to only 10 seconds, which completely eliminated the risks of equipment damage and shut down caused by the long delay in manual inspection as well as saved over 80% manhour and 40% labour costs.
Tianshan Soho
Smart and green office building based on ZETA IoT
Designed for the unique coworking office style in Tianshan Soho, ZETA smart office and ZETA AIoT solutions were deployed to enable real-time monitoring and management of the property in the office environment. The system provides efficient management and data analytics of environment, energy usage, lighting facilities and workspaces to optimise the use of the office spaces and improve the working quality for residents.
Street lighting with ZETA-Lite in Jiaxing, Zhejiang province
Fast and low-cost rollout of city-wide low power IoT network
ZiFiSense upgraded the street lighting in Jiaxing Zhejiang by deploying ZETA-Lite technology over a 12-km street for both energy-saving control of light and IoT network rollout. The system not only saves 27.3% electricity a year, but also allows public facilities with built-in ZETA sensors such as manhole cover, sewage and telecom cabinet etc. to access network through the integrated ZETA gateway in lampposts. 80% labour cost of manual maintenance for public facilities is save.
Shanghai Jinshan Street Lighting
Smart lighting transformation with cost-free IoT infrastructure
ZiFiSense retrofitted over 3000 street lights at Jinshan Shanghai by its unique ZETA-Lite solution. Compared to conventional smart lighting solutions, ZETA-Lite integrated ZETA gateway and Edge AI with lighting controllers to roll out IoT network in a high efficient manner, by utilising the lampposts as a network infrastructure. Thus, network coverage can be fast spread by the ZETA mesh over street lights. All surrounding facilities (parking, manhole, sewage etc.) with built-in ZETA sensors can access the network without any additional networking costs. So far, over 80% labour costs are saved and additional 3 Million RMB profit per year is generated from energy saving.
Bridge monitoring
Highly efficient IoT network for complete bridge monitoring
Donghai Bridge is one of the longest bridges in the world. It stretches across Hangzhou Bay connecting Shanghai and Yangshan Deep-water port in Zhejiang with a total length of 32.5km. ZETA network is deployed along the bridge for remote monitoring of facility health, security, and maintenance applications. The project saves 2/3 overall labour cost for the bridge maintenance and significantly improved the operational efficiency.
Telecom Facility Monitoring
City-wide ZETA network for unmanned telecom inspection
Together with China Tower, ZiFiSense has built the largest license-free LPWAN in China for remote monitoring of manhole cover and optical fibre cross connecting cabinet. It has greatly improved the overall cost effectiveness of the public sector.
Beijing Mercedes-Benz plant
ZETA AIoT - Digital "Stethoscope" for Robotics
In 2017, Beijing Mercedes-Benz Car Assembly Plant deployed 400 automotive robots for car manufacturing. ZETA AIoT solution is equipped to monitor the real-time performance status of the robots so as to create complete running record and provide preventive maintennace analytics in a cost-effective manner for their engineering department. Through ZETA AIoT, the maintenance inspection time is reduced from 6 hours to only 30 seconds and the inspection can be performed at any time any where. According to the record so far, average troubleshooting time is reduced to 3 hours compared to 12 hours previously without ZETA AIoT and the robot downtime rate is also reduced to only 1% (from 4%). With continous training, ZETA AIoT is making better and more accurate diagnostics and preventive maintennace, which helps the company to increase profitabliity over time.
Beijing Hyundai Factory
Effective diagnostics for elevators
Beijing Hyundai Factory has a large volume of elevators. A key challenge is that the increasing downtime of the elevators has greatly reduced the producibility of the factory. ZETA AIoT solution is equipped to monitor the real-time performance status of the elevators so as to create complete running record and provide preventive maintennace analytics in a cost-effective manner for their engineering department. Through ZETA AIoT, the the maintenance inspection time is reduced from 6 hours to only 30 seconds and the inspection can be performed at any time any where. According to the record so far, average troubleshooting time is reduced to 3 hours compared to 12 hours previously without ZETA AIoT and the elevator downtime rate is also reduced to only 1% (from 4%). With continous training, ZETA AIoT is making better and more accurate diagnostics and preventive maintennace, which helps the company to increase profitabliity over time.